Gun Classes Loganville Georgia
Shooting Strategies offers classes for shotguns, rifles, and handguns to students in Snellville, Georgia and surrounding areas including: Grayson, Loganville, Monroe, Social Circle, and Walnut Grove. Our mission is to provide a safe and fun atmosphere while introducing you to handguns and concealed carry. We have courses that will help you understand the difference in when you can and cannot legally conceal carry. We use life-like situations through roleplay to provide you with an understanding of when deadly force might be necessary for self-defense. This course offers an understanding of the laws surrounding firearms and protection as relevant to the great state of Georgia, including details of what and what not to say and/or do during the aftermath of an unfortunate event.
Georgia does not require gun owners to complete a handgun safety course prior to being awarded a state sanctioned weapon’s permit. Almost every responsibly armed citizen agrees, however, that the training provides efficiency and understanding in how to safely and correctly defend yourself. Georgia recently passed the Safe Carry Protection Act of 2014. This is also known as the “guns everywhere” law. Even though it is called the "guns everywhere" law there are still some prohibited areas in the state, such as schools and government buildings. The law does now allow concealed carry in restaurants and churches under certain conditions.
Our instructors are continuously subjected to training and regularly invest in enhanced course materials to provide students with current information. They maintain their certification through such organizations as United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) and National Rifle Association (NRA). Our instructors also maintain an annual insurance policy for their instructional classes. They do their best to guarantee quality information in recognition of the cost (not only money but time as well) to students. Our courses can help improve your skill set. Some of the courses we offer are: basic gun safety courses, handgun safety training, NRA Gun Safety, or NRA Concealed Carry Class. The NRA Concealed Carry class offered covers the laws of self-defense throughout the state of Georgia.
We do not want our students to be put in a bad situation due to lack of understanding of the laws. We do everything in our power to insure that every student leaves our course with an enhanced understanding on how to safely and responsibly carry a concealed weapon for the use of personal protection.
In short- we do everything that we can do to ensure that all of our students who are interested in carrying a concealed weapon for personal protection receive adequate training and instruction to make sure that they are safely and responsibly armed at the completion of the class. If you are interested in taking a Concealed Carry Training Course, please see our Upcoming Events or feel free to Contact Us.