Georgia Gun Safety Training

Fundamentals, Manipulation - 03/25/17

11.05.16 Level 1 2

On March 25th, 2017- we are teaming up with Fair Weather Farms, a fantastic venue in Monroe, Georgia to provide you a shooting experience that you won’t soon forget. The day will be separated into three parts in which we will cover everything from Handgun Fundamentals & Safety to Weapons Manipulation!

Here’s the breakdown of the day:

Handgun Fundamentals & Safety:

Starting at 9:00 a.m. we will begin studying the Handgun Fundamentals & Safety course which is designed for inexperienced shooters. This course will take a total novice and have them fully familiar with their firearms and proficiently engaging targets at realistic self-defense distances. This portion of the course will go through lunch. The round count for this segment of the course is approximately 100 rounds.

Weapons Manipulation & Personal Protection:

Beginning directly after lunch, we will move into our second phase of training where we cover Weapons Manipulation & Personal Protection. Effectively fighting with a handgun will require that you know how to problem-solve with a firearm in your hand, and this course is designed to push your skills to that next level. We will work on reloading from slide lock, drawing from holster, proactive reloads, identifying and correcting handgun malfunctions, and more. While our morning course will focus on the 7 Fundamentals of Shooting and Marksmanship, our afternoon course will focus on manipulating our firearm in such a way that maximizes our chances of prevailing in a gunfight. The round count for this segment is approximately 250 rounds.

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Vehicle CQB - Feb 25, 2017

photo1488072352251On February 25th, 2017 we will be hosting guest instructor Matt S. at Fair Weather Farms in Monroe to teach Vehicle CQB. Matt has a wealth of real-world experience in protective services all over the world. This will be a fast pace course that will cover a range of topics for fighting in and around vehicles. As civilians, we are around cars all the time, and it is imperative that we learn how to manuever in and around them. Rarely do we get the opportunity to actually shoot in, around, and through these vehicles to see exactly which parts of the car will stop a bullet and which parts won't. This course will dispel many myths and will make you think very differently about every vehicle you encounter. Details are as follows:

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Rifle/Handgun Integration + Low-Light Environments

Hand Held Lighting TechniquesOn January 28th, 2017 Shooting Strategies will hold a training event at Fair Weather Farms in Monroe, Georgia. This event will be separated into two sessions, and you are not required to take both together (though the content will grow in complexity, so it is recommended to take both). 


Rifle and Handgun Integration

Starting at noon we will be hosting a four hour course for Rifle and Handgun integration. This course will combine the content from our Rifle 102 and Weapons System Integration courses into one, and focus on how you can make your primary and secondary weapons work together. We will work basics of cover and shooting from various positions of cover. Some of the topics that will be covered in this session are as follows:

  • Reloading your Primary and Secondary Weapons (Emergency Reloads and Proactive Reloads)
  • Identifying and Clearing all major malfunctions associated with semi-automatic handguns and rifles
  • Transitioning from Primary to Secondary Weapons
  • Transitioning from Secondary to Primary Weapons
  • Setting up your gear for success
  • Shooting while moving (both primary and secondary weapons)
  • Drawing Secondary weapon from Holster
  • Firing Primary weapon from slung position (low ready and high ready)
  • Understanding Mechanical Offset

In other words, if you own a rifle for home defense or as a vehicle gun, we'll teach you how to employ it as a tool to increase your chances of prevailing in a violent encounter. Required gear for this section is as follows:

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Firearm Classes - September 26, 2015

On 9/26/15- Richard will be teaching a set of two classes at South River Gun Club in Covington, Georgia. The first class will be a Level 1: Introduction to Handguns class and will last from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. The afternoon class will be a Level 2: Personal Protection with a Handgun class and will last from 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Who should take Level 2?

photo 5So you have some shooting experience but never had any formal training? Not brand new to firearms, or graduated from our Level 1 or NRA Basic Pistol Course? We can help hone your skills and push you to a more proficient level of handgun knowledge. The pre-requisite to this class is a safe demonstration of handling a handgun... That's it... With that said, if someone who has grown up shooting is looking to get some formal training, we can push the pace of their experience to make sure that they are safely reaching the next level of training. This class covers slightly more advanced topics such as drawing from a holster, safely moving with a firearm, identifying and correcting malfunctions, reloading a handgun, and more. Again- safety is always our top priority, but a fun way to push your skillset is also high on our list of goals for each of our students. The tuition for this course is $140, and will cover your range fees, eye/ear protection (if needed), and provide you with all course materials. If you already own a firearm that you want to bring, we certainly welcome that. If not, we have firearm rentals available as well. We have a limit of slots for this course, and it is first-come, first-serve. Want to sign up? Register with only a $50 deposit at the link below:

On September 26th, 2015- we will be teaching a Level 2: Personal Protection with a Handgun course 25 miles east of...

Posted by Law Enforcement Tactics on Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Watch the Level 2 Video!

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