Fundamentals, Manipulation - 03/25/17
On March 25th, 2017- we are teaming up with Fair Weather Farms, a fantastic venue in Monroe, Georgia to provide you a shooting experience that you won’t soon forget. The day will be separated into three parts in which we will cover everything from Handgun Fundamentals & Safety to Weapons Manipulation!
Here’s the breakdown of the day:
Handgun Fundamentals & Safety:
Starting at 9:00 a.m. we will begin studying the Handgun Fundamentals & Safety course which is designed for inexperienced shooters. This course will take a total novice and have them fully familiar with their firearms and proficiently engaging targets at realistic self-defense distances. This portion of the course will go through lunch. The round count for this segment of the course is approximately 100 rounds.
Weapons Manipulation & Personal Protection:
Beginning directly after lunch, we will move into our second phase of training where we cover Weapons Manipulation & Personal Protection. Effectively fighting with a handgun will require that you know how to problem-solve with a firearm in your hand, and this course is designed to push your skills to that next level. We will work on reloading from slide lock, drawing from holster, proactive reloads, identifying and correcting handgun malfunctions, and more. While our morning course will focus on the 7 Fundamentals of Shooting and Marksmanship, our afternoon course will focus on manipulating our firearm in such a way that maximizes our chances of prevailing in a gunfight. The round count for this segment is approximately 250 rounds.