Northeast Georgia Pistol Training

Specialized Training

Law Enforcement

We can work with groups of officers or individual officers as needed. We can work on topics ranging from firearms techniques to takedowns and controlling suspects. 

Richard worked with several Law Enforcement Officers and Agencies throughout the central Georgia area through seminars as well as continued instructional services. Serving as both a consultant and instructor, Richard worked with Officers and Agencies in the following topics and from the following organizations:

  1. Defensive Tactics
  2. Situational Awareness
  3. Officer Safety
  4. Takedowns
  5. Positional Control
  6. Handcuffing Techniques
  7. Small Arms Weapons Retention
  8. Small Arms Weapons Disarming
  9. Small Arms Weapons Deployment
  10. Firearm Presentation
  11. Cell Extraction
  1. Milledgeville Police Department
  2. Baldwin County Sheriff's Department
  3. Baldwin County Jail
  4. Central State Prison
  5. Dekalb County Jail
  6. Gwinnett County Police Department
  7. Georgia State Patrol
  8. Baldwin County SRT
  9. Dekalb County Sheriff's Department
  10. Rockdale County Task Force Against Family Violence
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