Vehicle Combatives

Fighting In and Around Cars

As civilians, we are around cars all the time, and it is imperative that we learn how to manuever in and around them with a firearm during a violent encounter. Rarely do we get the opportunity to actually shoot in, around, and through these vehicles to see exactly which parts of the car will stop a bullet and which parts won't.

This course will dispel many myths and will make you think very differently about every vehicle you encounter.

Why Vehicles?

Vehicle Combatives - Breaking ContactThink about the amount of time you spend around vehicles. Whether you are commuting to work or just going to the grocery store, there are potential opportunities for cover and concealment as well as disadvantages of limited mobility within the vehicle. Learn how to fight with the weapons you have from every aspect.

Learn what to expect when you shoot through a windshield, whether you are shooting in or out of a vehicle. Learn which parts of the vehicle provide the best opportunity for stopping a bullet or deviating its trajectory.

Vehicle Combatives

Covered Topics:

Vehicle Combatives

  1. Entering/Exiting the vehicle
  2. Understanding the "clean" vs. "dirty" sides
  3. Ballistic Demonstration
  4. Understanding Cover vs. Concealment
  5. Shooting into the car vs. out of the car
  6. Ballistic Trajectory Deviations
  7. Movement in/around the vehicle
  8. Weapons Manipulations inside the vehicle
  9. Working around passengers

This Is An Advanced Course!

Note that you must have permission from the instructor(s) in order to participate in this course. You need to be able manipulate your weapons at a sub-conscious level while maintaining complete muzzle discipline at all times.

Your muzzle is your responsibility. Period.

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